Wonder Botanica

Heart center elixir: ocotillo & rose


There’s a spot about 4000 feet above the desert floor where the last few ocotillo plants stand fast against the colder temperatures, and the wild roses, usually present higher in the mountains, come close to each other. Separated by sagebrush and a scattering of pinions, they shouldn’t technically grow this close to each other, but for some odd reason, right here, they are close enough. I often think about the two of them and the expanse of space between them:

They are two completely different beings: the ocotillo grows on hillsides in the desert, soaking up the sun. Wild roses grow in the mountains, under pine trees, along stream beds. And yet, they compliment each other so beautifully: ocotillo with its expansive, transformative, ability to move fluids; and rose which softens, opens, provides you an outlet for self-expression and transforms fluids. Combined with each other, the effect is incredible: one of deep movement, deep compassion and understanding, but also of transformation. 

Ocotillo is a deep energy mover. It moves energy in the pelvis, in the blood, in the deep, old energy of the body. It dredges it up gently, softly, calmly, bringing it to the surface, moving it through the liver so that it can be processed (in the case of toxins) and through the consciousness so that it can be processed (in case of grief and trauma). 

Wild rose softens our hard places, releasing tension that keeps us prisoner in our own protective shells. In doing this, it releases pent up grief and frustration, and the tension that holds ourselves still, stuck, and unable to express ourselves. We build ourselves such safe traps, to keep ourselves safe, and rose, in its gentle way, teaches us that we are strong enough to let down our guards and let the world in. As a result, we become softer, more open, more able to experience the world around us. 

This is a pairing that opens you to the wonders of the world. That soft, open state, that clearing away of the old crap that holds us in place. Yes, it might bring up some old, deep stuff, but it'll do so gently, and provide the emotional support to deal with it. And what will be left is a sense of wonder and curiosity. A place where you can be touched by the world around you and touch it back. A place where you can create something entirely of yourself to bring into the world. 

To support and enhance these two plant-beings working together, I added pedicularis-- to soften and release resistance. To calm, and bring ease and harmony to the formula.

I also added hawthorn berry, leaf and flower. Hawthorn is the ultimate heart-remedy, and I like to think of it as a strong hand at your back, reminding you that you are held, safe, strong, and capable, so that you can stay the course and remain open-hearted to what life brings. It soothes, comforts, heals, and holds you. It rounds out this formula, providing a scaffolding of emotional support. 

The end result is a formula that allows you to gently, softly, carefully allow yourself to process some deep old emotional stuff, without digging, without it feeling like an excavation. The goal here is wholeness: not to face down our monsters, but to face the future, the creative work we want to do, the beauty, vibrancy, joy that we want in our lives. Sometimes, perhaps even often, that means moving past the past. It doesn't need to mean focusing on the past, it just means that stuff comes up as we move forwards. This formula helps you stay focused on where you're going, not where you were. It helps the stuff that comes up to be manageable, bite-size, take-in-your-stride stuff, so that you can stay connected to who you want to be, who you are becoming. 

1oz bottle. 

To use: Take a few drops, 3x a day to start. Increase slowly, up to a full dropper, 3x a day. 

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