Wonder Botanica

Root + Restore


its 3 in the afternoon and you’ve hit the SLUMPS and can’t handle caffeine this late. What do you do? 

This is my favourite afternoon treat: Root + Restore Potion. 

It’s made with wildcrafted roasted acorns and acorn starch, chicory root, dandelion, milk thistle, cacao, ashwagandha, and lion’s mane. It’s a blend designed to get you moving, in a really gentle way. The thing I love about it is that its flavour and texture is *meaty* (not like actual meat, more like, the way a mug of coffee feels like it has actual substance to it, which is part of what makes it so satisfying), in the way that you often want a hot drink to be.

It’s amazingly supportive for your liver (that’s the dandelion, chicory, and milk thistle); enhancing brain function (hi, lion’s mane, ashwagandha, and cacao); gives you a little energy boost without the jitters that come from too much caffeine (that’s the cacao* and ashwagandha). 

Earthy, rooty, and roasted. It’s the perfect mid-afternoon treat, brewed with hot water, then a dollop of milk or cream, and served with something delicious. Or, use as a coffee substitute in the mornings. 

Comes in a 9oz glass jar.


*cacao still has a little caffeine, though not nearly as much as coffee or black tea, and especially not much given the quantities in this. If you're especially sensitive I wouldn't drink this close to bedtime though. 

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