Wonder Botanica

Plump choco


Plump Choco was a stroke of inspiration that hit me a few weeks ago when I made my nightly Plump Potion a hot chocolate, and I’ve never looked back. Luscious, thick, delicious, chocolatey, AND good for your skin? I only have 10 of these available but if they’re super popular and you want more, I can make a restock of them for April. 

Does anyone else turn into a raisin at this time of year? I do. It drives me nuts— I feel like I’m withering to a crisp. This mild-flavoured potion was created for nothing but my own vanity, because my skin was suffering deeply from living in such a dry climate-- I felt like I could see myself getting new wrinkles overnight. but I gotta tell you, it’s really helping my skin AND mucous membranes- I notice such a huge difference from taking it every day. It's a powder that you add to drinks. You can drink it alone, in hot water, or add to teas or hot chocolate. (I highly recommend getting one of those electric frothers-- it helps to dissolve the powder more easily). 

It’s taken a few years of experimenting, and this is my favourite iteration of it. I’ve made enough to share this time. 

It's made with: 

Shatavari root-- an Ayurvedic herb that helps to restore the deep moisture and resources of the body. 

Marshmallow root powder-- a herb that moistens and soothes mucous membranes (think of how dry your eyeballs and sinuses get when it's cold and dry and windy and the heating is on-- marshmallow brings moisture to all your tissues within *minutes* of drinking it, and it's unbelievably soothing!)

Pearl powder-- used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years, pearl is used to enhance beauty and clarify the skin, and to calm an overactive and agitated mind. 

A spice blend of cardamom, vanilla, cinnamon-- delicious, sensual, soothing, helps digestion. This is not super strong-flavoured. 

L Glutamine-- an amino acid that helps to build and heal the gut lining, and helps the body build collagen levels. 

Hyaluronic acid-- a natural component of the body's cellular matrix that creates lubrication, builds collagen, and helps to repair the skin. 

Marine collagen-- another naturally occurring substance that helps to create more plumpness and clarity in the skin. 

Belgian cocoa-- delicious, and CHOCOLATE. 

In combination, it all works together to create this formula that helps your body build its own collagen, and actively plumps the skin and mucous membranes, keeping you feeling lush and… can I say juicy? Is that weird? 

BUT THERE’S MORE. See the pearl, the shatavari? Those two herbs are a beautiful combination— the pearl calms the mind, so for those of you who, like me, get extra anxious during the dry and windy season, the pearl helps to calm the agitation… then the shatavari kinda picks up what the pearl starts, by creating this deep moist (sorry) grounding presence inside the body, that starts to build a reserve system that feels so. damn. good. 

This powder is going to go a bit gooey in your mug. If you absolutely hate okra and other slimy-type things, then either use the tiniest amount, or skip this one. I have to say though, as someone who runs dry, that gooeyness is the most soothing and delicious thing: you can literally feel it moistening and restoring your body as you drink it!

9oz glass jar. Dosage is 1/2 tsp, 1-2x per day. 

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